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Nov 25, 2010

What is HTML 5?

HTML 5 is to be the new standard of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML 5 has been on the drawing boards to quite some time now all tho it seemed like it was to far into the future to start worrying about now, that said we are getting ever closer to HTML 5 being a common practice amongst webmasters.
Some people believe that HTML 5 coding is only being introduced to make browsers manufacturers (browser/ software companies) while other webmasters see this as a great step forward to being able to develop more powerful multimedia. HTML 5 will change the way we work with general HTML as the soon to be standard code is not just a markup from HTML 4 but more that of a new language, HTML will make life easier for everyone including not just browser manufactures but also developers, there are already some example JavaScript applications and APIs using the upcoming HTML5 code.
Most HTML based websites are using HTML 4 as we speak but this will start to change over the coming months and years, up until now the HTML code has hardly evolved from HTML 2.0 only some issues were addressed with the release of HTML 4 along with a small amount of new code references, HTML 5 is based from HTML 4 but in it’s own right it will be completely different and will change the way your browsers render websites on your PC screen, HTML 5 will rely heavily on JavaScript, should you have JavaScript turned off the website / pages are unlikely to render correctly.

HTML 5 Reference

Below is a complete list of HTML 5 tags, in the next few weeks our site will provide you with a downloadable tag list so that you can learn HTML 5. As you will notice with the HTML 5 tags below there are several new code inclusions.
  • 4* The element is defined in HTML 4+
  • 5* The element is defined in HTML 5
<comment>Defines a comment45
<DOCTYPE>Defines the document type45
<a>Defines a hyperlink45
<abbr>Defines an abbreviation45
<acronym>Not supported. Defines an acronym4 
<address>Defines an address element45
<applet>Not supported. Defines an applet4 
<area>Defines an area inside an image map45
<article>Defines an article 5
<aside>Defines content aside from the page content 5
<audio>Defines sound content 5
<b>Defines bold text45
<base>Defines a base URL for all the links in a page45
<basefont>Not supported. Use CSS instead4 
<bdo>Defines the direction of text display45
<big>Not supported. Defines big text4 
<blockquote>Defines a long quotation45
<body>Defines the body element45
<br>Inserts a single line break45
<button>Defines a push button45
<canvas>Defines graphics 5
<caption>Defines a table caption45
<center>Not supported. Defines centered text4 
<cite>Defines a citation45
<code>Defines computer code text45
<col>Defines attributes for table columns45
<colgroup>Defines groups of table columns45
<command>Defines a command button 5
<datagrid>Defines data in a tree-list 5
<datalist>Defines a dropdown list 5
<datatemplate>Defines a data template 5
<dd>Defines a definition description45
<del>Defines deleted text45
<details>Defines details of an element 5
<dialog>Defines a dialog (conversation) 5
<dir>Not supported. Defines a directory list4 
<div>Defines a section in a document45
<dfn>Defines a definition term45
<dl>Defines a definition list45
<dt>Defines a definition term45
<em>Defines emphasized text45
<embed>Defines external interactive content or plugin 5
<eventsource>Defines a target for events sent by a server 5
<fieldset>Defines a fieldset45
<figure>Defines a group of media content, and their caption 5
<font>Deprecated. Defines text font, size, and color4 
<footer>Defines a footer for a section or page 5
<form>Defines a form45
<frame>Not supported. Defines a sub window (a frame)4 
<frameset>Not supported. Defines a set of frames4 
<h1> to <h6>Defines header 1 to header 645
<head>Defines information about the document45
<header>Defines a header for a section or page 5
<hr>Defines a horizontal rule45
<html>Defines an html document45
<i>Defines italic text45
<iframe>Defines an inline sub window (frame)45
<img>Defines an image45
<input>Defines an input field45
<ins>Defines inserted text45
<isindex>Not supported. Defines a single-line
input field
<kbd>Defines keyboard text45
<label>Defines a label for a form control45
<legend>Defines a title in a fieldset45
<li>Defines a list item45
<link>Defines a resource reference45
<mark>Defines marked text 5
<map>Defines an image map45
<menu>Defines a menu list45
<meta>Defines meta information45
<meter>Defines measurement within a predefined range 5
<nav>Defines navigation links 5
<nest>Defines a nestingpoint in a datatemplate 5
<noframes>Not supported. Defines a noframe section4 
<noscript>Defines a noscript section45
<object>Defines an embedded object45
<ol>Defines an ordered list45
<optgroup>Defines an option group45
<option>Defines an option in a drop-down list45
<output>Defines some types of output 5
<p>Defines a paragraph45
<param>Defines a parameter for an object45
<pre>Defines preformatted text45
<progress>Defines progress of a task of any kind 5
<q>Defines a short quotation45
<rule>Defines the rules for updating a template 5
<s>Not supported. Defines strikethrough text4 
<samp>Defines sample computer code45
<script>Defines a script45
<section>Defines a section 5
<select>Defines a selectable list45
<small>Defines small text45
<source>Defines media resources 5
<span>Defines a section in a document45
<strike>Not supported. Defines strikethrough text4 
<strong>Defines strong text45
<style>Defines a style definition45
<sub>Defines subscripted text45
<sup>Defines superscripted text45
<table>Defines a table45
<tbody>Defines a table body45
<td>Defines a table cell45
<textarea>Defines a text area45
<tfoot>Defines a table footer45
<th>Defines a table header45
<thead>Defines a table header45
<time>Defines a date/time 5
<title>Defines the document title45
<tr>Defines a table row45
<tt>Not supported. Defines teletype text4 
<u>Not supported. Defines underlined text4 
<ul>Defines an unordered list45
<var>Defines a variable45
<video>Defines a video 5
<xmp>Not supported. Defines preformatted text4