The world remembers and mourns Steve Jobs, in a huge waves, and it would probably hit some smashing records with leaders around the world expressed their condolences and gratitude over Facebook, Twitter and media. It was simply mind-boggling judging by the massive outpouring of tributes. Traffic was so jam that Twitter dispatched its famous “fail whale”. Social media sites were crazily filled with Steve Jobs, Think Different, Stay Hungry, Legacy and whatnot.
Oct 28, 2011
Oct 14, 2011
The Life and Times of Steve Jobs [INFOGRAPHIC]
Steve Jobs packed a lot of living into his 56 years. If his career had ended 30 years ago, he still would have made history for helping popularize the personal computer. But he did so much more than that.
As we all know, Jobs defied F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous quote, “There are no second acts in American lives.” Jobs’s final years at Apple were as notable as his early ones. Even his 11-year hiatus from the company should provide inspiration for businesspeople who think their careers are over.
The below infographic, from Infographic World, lays out Jobs’s life and accomplishments.
From Brick to Slick: 38 Years of Cellphone Evolution [INFOGRAPHIC]
Ah, the good old days, when cellphones were the size of bricks. Some were so big you had to carry a separate bag containing their electronic innards, and if you weren’t careful, you might end up with a dislocated shoulder by the end of the day.
They generally weren’t called cellphones at all — most of us codgers called them “car phones” back then, because that was the size of conveyance you needed to lug around all of their electronic parts.
Fast forward to today, where cellphones have gotten plenty smart. One factor caught our eyes: Notice how different all the phones start looking around 2007. Wonder what happened then (cough! iPhone cough!)?
This infographic from Wilson Electronics (maker of cellular signal boosters for buildings and cars, so they know about these things) takes you from Dr. Martin Cooper’s laughable handset (that looked more like a cream-colored shoe than a phone) up to today’s darling of the moment, the Apple iPhone 4S.
Tell us in the comments how many of these cellphones you’ve used, which one was your favorite, and how you would compare your previous model to today’s latest
Infographic courtesy Wilson Electronics
Jul 8, 2011
Khmer Unicode with Crystal Report in C# Application
I. Prepare Crystal Report Render well in report design
First you have to make the crystal report in design time possible to write or view Khmer Unicode
1.1. Copy usp10.dll (version1.465.4001.0) to C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\2.8\bin

1.2. Change fonts setting in Crystal Report, at VS2008, create a crystal report and go to Crystal Reports --> Design --> Default Setting --> Go to Fonts Tab, change all element to Kh System
II. View Crystal Report with VS Crystal Report Viewer,
Khmer Unicode is not rendering well.
(Under research)
First you have to make the crystal report in design time possible to write or view Khmer Unicode
1.1. Copy usp10.dll (version1.465.4001.0) to C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\2.8\bin
1.2. Change fonts setting in Crystal Report, at VS2008, create a crystal report and go to Crystal Reports --> Design --> Default Setting --> Go to Fonts Tab, change all element to Kh System
II. View Crystal Report with VS Crystal Report Viewer,
Khmer Unicode is not rendering well.
(Under research)
Jul 1, 2011
Android App Downloads Now Top 4.5 Billion
The Android Market took a little bit of time to get heated up, garnering its first 1 billion downloads only after two years on the market. Would you believe that the same amount of downloads happened in the last 60 days? Those are the facts, according to Google’s mobile advertising sales director for Europe Ian Carrington, who announced that since its inception Android has seen 4.5 billion downloads from its apps storefront. If the number of downloads are growing at any rate similar to the number of device activations per day, the figure is likely to blow through the roof by the end of the year.
May 26, 2011
Which is best for you: DataReader or DataSet?
Prior to the release of the Microsoft .NET Framework, programmers had few data access technology choices for interacting with data stored in a database. An ActiveX Data Object (ADO) Recordset was the option commonly used to hold query results and data contents. It originally required a constant database connection to maintain access to the data. Over time it was evolved to support disconnected applications as well as provide some limited support for eXtensible Markup Language (XML).
The release of ADO.NET offers a new object model for retrieving data. Now there are two data classes for query results and a slew of other classes to hold various data content. Since most programmers are used to only having a single Recordset, this raises the questions of why there are two data retrieval classes in Microsoft .NET and which is the best to use.
What is a DataReader?
A DataReader is a read-only stream of data returned from the database as the query executes. It only contains one row of data in memory at a time and is restricted to navigating forward only in the results one record at a time. The DataReader does support access to multiple result sets, but only one at a time and in the order retrieved. Just as in the original version of ADO, the data is no longer available through the DataReader once the connection to the data source is closed, which means a DataReader requires a connection to the database throughout its usage. Output parameters or return values are only available through the DataReader once the connection is closed.
The release of ADO.NET offers a new object model for retrieving data. Now there are two data classes for query results and a slew of other classes to hold various data content. Since most programmers are used to only having a single Recordset, this raises the questions of why there are two data retrieval classes in Microsoft .NET and which is the best to use.
What is a DataReader?
A DataReader is a read-only stream of data returned from the database as the query executes. It only contains one row of data in memory at a time and is restricted to navigating forward only in the results one record at a time. The DataReader does support access to multiple result sets, but only one at a time and in the order retrieved. Just as in the original version of ADO, the data is no longer available through the DataReader once the connection to the data source is closed, which means a DataReader requires a connection to the database throughout its usage. Output parameters or return values are only available through the DataReader once the connection is closed.
May 25, 2011
May 7, 2011
May 2, 2011
Top 10 Firefox Add-Ons for Web Designers
There are plenty of Firefox add-ons at your disposal that can extend the browser’s core functionality. The types of add-ons you’ll encounter have a wide range of utility, from productivity tools that monitor the amount of time you spend on the Internet, to social media tools that conveniently give you in-browser capabilities for using popular services such as Twitter and Facebook.
The Firefox browser is a popular choice for web designers, and there are plenty of add-ons that can make the day-to-day work of web design significantly more efficient and fruitful. Here are 10 highly recommended, top-notch Firefox add-ons for web designers. Let us know what other Firefox add-ons you use in the comments.
1. Web Developer
The Web Developer Firefox add-on is a huge suite of web design tools packed with massively useful functions that will help web designers perform tasks more efficiently. By default, it displays as a toolbar towards the top of the browser, presenting you with various menus such as CSS, Resize and Cookies.
Whether you need to inspect the CSS of page, discover information about a webpage (such as seeing all the alt attributes of images on the page), quickly validate a web design for W3C compliance or measure design elements, Web Developer will likely have a convenient tool for you.
2. Firebug
Firebug is such a popular web design/front-end web development Firefox add-on that there are actually add-ons for it (see no. 5). And if you were to ask any web designer or web developer what Firefox add-on they can’t live without, chances are he’ll say Firebug.
Firebug is an open source add-on that gives web designers powerful tools for inspecting and debugging a web design. It can help you figure out what CSS styles affect certain elements (in case you’re having trouble with a style rule that doesn’t seem to render properly), inspect the document object model (DOM) to learn about the structure of the web page, determine attributes such as color, width, height of HTML elements and much more.
The extension can take a while to learn (trust me, it’s worth the time), but the creators have some helpful documentation to get you started.
Apr 11, 2011
Mono for Android
Mono for Android enables developers to use Microsoft™
Visual Studio™ to create C# and .NET based applications
that run on Android phones and tablets. Developers can
use their existing skills and reuse code and libraries
that have been built with .NET, while taking advantage
Apr 5, 2011
Java founder James Gosling joins Google
Gosling announced his new Google employment today on his blog. "I don't know what I'll be working on. I expect it'll be a bit of everything, seasoned with a large dose of grumpy curmudgeon," he said.
When Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems last year, Gosling decided not to join.
Oracle's ways evidently didn't agree with Gosling. He called Oracle Chief Executive Larry Ellison "Larry, Prince of Darkness." And, he said, "During the integration meetings between Sun and Oracle, where we were being grilled about the patent situation between Sun and Google, we could see the Oracle lawyer's eyes sparkle."
Oracle sued Google for patent and copyright infringement concerning how Android uses software called Dalvik that's very similar to Java. A prime benefit to using Java is that it shields programs from the differences of underlying hardware, such as different processors, letting a single program run on a variety of computing devices.
Google has some of the bubbling, research-intensive ethos that characterized Sun, but it's vastly more commercially successful. And unlike Sun, it's managed to become a household name.
Gosling was on his own for about a year. "One of the toughest things about life is making choices. I had a hard time saying 'no' to a bunch of other excellent possibilities," he said on his blog.
Read more:
Mar 25, 2011
០១. កម្ពុជាព្រះរាជាណាចក្រអច្ឆរិយៈ || DOWNLOAD
០២. ទេសចរណ៍ និងជិវចំរុះ || DOWNLOAD
០៣. ទឹកដីសុវណ្ណភូមិខ្មែរ || DOWNLOAD
០៤. ប្តេជ្ញាការពារទឹកដីសុវណ្ណភូមិ || DOWNLOAD
០៥. សក្ដានុពលទេសចរណ៍វប្បធម៌ || DOWNLOAD
០៦. តម្លៃវឌ្ឍនភាពវិស័យទេសចរណ៍ || DOWNLOAD
០៧. ទេសចរណ៍វប្បធម៌ធម្មជាតិប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ || DOWNLOAD
០៨. បណ្ដាំធម្មជាតិ || DOWNLOAD
០៩. ទាំងអស់គ្នាដើម្បីទេសចរណ៍ ទេសចរណ៍ដើម្បីទាំងអស់គ្នា || DOWNLOAD
១០. រមណីដ្ឋានតាតៃ ( សម្រស់តាតៃ ) || DOWNLOAD
១១. Welcome to Cambodia (Kingdom of Wonder) || DOWNLOAD
Feb 17, 2011
iConvert: Convert ico, icns, and png icons online for Windows, Mac ..
iConvert allows you to easily convert Windows icons to Mac OS X icons, SVG icons to ... .icns .ico .svg .gif .png .tif .tga .cur .bmp .jpg .xpm .rsrc ...

Feb 15, 2011
Acting on Feedback: IE9 Release Candidate Available for Download
The Release Candidate of Internet Explorer 9, available now at in 40 languages, reflects our unique approach to building the best experience of the Web on Windows. IE9 also reflects a more open and transparent approach with its regular cadence of platform previews for developers and enthusiasts. With the Release Candidate, we’ve taken to heart over 17,000 pieces of feedback about IE9. You will find the product has made progress on all fronts—performance and standards, user experience, and safety and privacy.
We want to thank the millions of people who have installed and used Internet Explorer 9 during pre-release testing. The value of your feedback in developing the product is hard to overstate. The rest of this post highlights some of the changes made as we listened and acted directly on this feedback.
Performance & Standards: The Web Platform for Developers
The IE9 RC is faster with real world sites. In addition to making the script engine faster, we’ve improved and tuned the rest of the browser as well. You’ll find that Gmail, Office Web Applications, and many other sites are faster as a result of scenario tuning, network cache tuning, and new compiler optimizations. You’ll also find that the RC of IE9 often uses megabytes less memory than the beta because of changes like delayed image decoding. We’ve also improved the performance of things many people do every day, like find on page, and made improvements which extend battery life. In these videos you can see the performance improvements in the RC for text, layout, HTML5 canvas and video, illustrated through new demos on the IE9 test drive site:
Read more:
We want to thank the millions of people who have installed and used Internet Explorer 9 during pre-release testing. The value of your feedback in developing the product is hard to overstate. The rest of this post highlights some of the changes made as we listened and acted directly on this feedback.
Performance & Standards: The Web Platform for Developers
The IE9 RC is faster with real world sites. In addition to making the script engine faster, we’ve improved and tuned the rest of the browser as well. You’ll find that Gmail, Office Web Applications, and many other sites are faster as a result of scenario tuning, network cache tuning, and new compiler optimizations. You’ll also find that the RC of IE9 often uses megabytes less memory than the beta because of changes like delayed image decoding. We’ve also improved the performance of things many people do every day, like find on page, and made improvements which extend battery life. In these videos you can see the performance improvements in the RC for text, layout, HTML5 canvas and video, illustrated through new demos on the IE9 test drive site:
Read more:
Top 10: Free Tools for Managing Windows
Make network troubleshooting simple with this assortment of freeware
Free tools are definitely one on my favorite things, and in fact they're one of the best things about the Windows ecosystem: It's so mature and ubiquitous that free tools abound, and they address the majority of the problems and troubleshooting situations you're likely to run into. There are so many free tools that you can't possibly list them all, but here are ten tools that I've recently found to be useful.
10. PC Inspector File Recovery—You'll find many free undelete tools out there, but some have hidden restrictions; sometimes they don't really undelete files unless you buy something or they only undelete certain types of files. Recently I needed to undelete a folder of photos that was accidently deleted, and the Recycle Bin had been emptied. After trying and discarding a number of free tools, I ran across PC File Inspector from CONVAR at This utility isn't supported for Windows Vista, but it ran fine for me in Windows 7.
9. SDelete—Sometimes you might want highly secure or sensitive files deleted for good so that they can't be recovered. One great tool for this purpose is Sysinternals SDelete. Instead of merely deleting the file's directory entries, SDelete writes over all of the file's existing data, making it impossible to recover the original file. You can download SDelete from the Windows Sysinternals website at
8. FreeFileSync—Another common task is synchronizing files and folders. This procedure is handy for moving a set of work files to your laptop for travel, but it's also handy for comparing different sets of files and folders on your local system. FreeFileSync can compare files and folders and optimally synchronize them. You can download FreeFileSync from SourceForge at
Feb 4, 2011
How should I get started with programming? Which language should I learn first?
I get these questions frequently. Keep in mind that I only “got started” programming once, and that was a very long time ago during which I was primarily thinking about which girls I liked (since I was 13 years old). But here’s how I think it works, especially for adults coming to programming for the first time:
The best way to get started is to rethink the question to be more pragmatic:
What do you want to make first?
Be specific. The answer isn’t “iPhone apps” or “websites”. An iPhone app or a website to do what, exactly?
If you don’t have a specific idea that you’re motivated to create, you’ll have a very hard time getting started and plowing through the hard parts. And there will certainly be hard parts: you’ll get frustrated, go to Google, find some guidance, bang against it for a while, then finally get it working and experience immense satisfaction for as long as you can go before hitting the next wall of frustration. Fortunately, as you get more experienced, you’ll hit those walls less frequently.
If you have a specific idea, the goal of achieving it and the incremental progress along the way will motivate you to keep going. If you don’t, every little frustration will be an excuse to give up.
Once you have that specific idea, the other questions become much easier to answer:
Good luck.
The best way to get started is to rethink the question to be more pragmatic:
What do you want to make first?
Be specific. The answer isn’t “iPhone apps” or “websites”. An iPhone app or a website to do what, exactly?
If you don’t have a specific idea that you’re motivated to create, you’ll have a very hard time getting started and plowing through the hard parts. And there will certainly be hard parts: you’ll get frustrated, go to Google, find some guidance, bang against it for a while, then finally get it working and experience immense satisfaction for as long as you can go before hitting the next wall of frustration. Fortunately, as you get more experienced, you’ll hit those walls less frequently.
If you have a specific idea, the goal of achieving it and the incremental progress along the way will motivate you to keep going. If you don’t, every little frustration will be an excuse to give up.
Once you have that specific idea, the other questions become much easier to answer:
- Which language should I learn first? The most platform-native, modern, commonly used language for the kind of thing you want to make. If it’s an iOS or Mac app, use Objective-C. If it’s a web app, use Python with the Django framework, or Ruby with the Rails framework. If it’s a Windows app, use C#.
No language is “too hard” for first-timers. Programming is naturally complex and unforgiving, and that’s going to be intimidating at first. You’ll face the same challenges as a new programmer in any language. - How should I get started? Search Google for a basic tutorial or find an entry-level book on how to make the kind of thing you want to make in your chosen language. Do a few tutorial projects, learn how to modify them to get a bit more comfortable with the language, then start your own project and deal with each wall as you hit it.
Good luck.
Introduction to jQuery Mobile
Summary: This article provides an introduction to the jQuery Mobile framework. Learn the basics of the framework and how to write a functional mobile web application user interface without writing a single line of JavaScript code. An example guides you through basic pages, navigation, toolbars, list views, form controls, and transition effects.
jQuery Mobile, a user interface (UI) framework, lets you write a functional mobile web application without writing a single line of JavaScript code. In this article, learn about the features of this framework, including the basic pages, navigation toolbars, form controls, and transition effects.
To follow along with this article, you will need:
jQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile is a touch-friendly web UI development framework that lets you develop mobile web applications that work across smartphones and tablets. The jQuery Mobile framework builds on top of jQuery core and provides a number of facilities, including HTML and XML document object model (DOM) traversing and manipulation, handling events, performing server communication using Ajax, as well as animation and image effects for web pages. The mobile framework itself is a separate, additional download of around 12KB (minified and gzipped) from jQuery core, which is around 25KB when minified/gzipped. As with the rest of the jQuery framework, jQuery Mobile is a free, dual-licensed (MIT and GPL) library.
At the time of this writing, the jQuery Mobile framework is an Alpha 2 version (v1.0a2). The code is in draft form and is subject to change. Yet, the existing framework is pretty solid. With an impressive set of components available in the alpha release, jQuery Mobile promises to be a great framework and tool set for developing mobile web applications.
Basic features of jQuery Mobile include:
jQuery Mobile, a user interface (UI) framework, lets you write a functional mobile web application without writing a single line of JavaScript code. In this article, learn about the features of this framework, including the basic pages, navigation toolbars, form controls, and transition effects.
To follow along with this article, you will need:
- Previous exposure to HTML
- Understanding of JavaScript fundamentals
- Basic knowledge of jQuery
jQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile is a touch-friendly web UI development framework that lets you develop mobile web applications that work across smartphones and tablets. The jQuery Mobile framework builds on top of jQuery core and provides a number of facilities, including HTML and XML document object model (DOM) traversing and manipulation, handling events, performing server communication using Ajax, as well as animation and image effects for web pages. The mobile framework itself is a separate, additional download of around 12KB (minified and gzipped) from jQuery core, which is around 25KB when minified/gzipped. As with the rest of the jQuery framework, jQuery Mobile is a free, dual-licensed (MIT and GPL) library.
Though jQuery Mobile is still in Alpha, there are some demos and documentation. It is recommended that you review the documentation and demos in Resources and look at the demo source code in the Download section.
Basic features of jQuery Mobile include:
Introducing the Android Market website
Over the past two years, developers around the world have helped make Android Market the go-to place for more than 100,000 apps, games and widgets. Previously, you could only access Android Market directly from your device, but today, we are introducing the Android Market website that lets you browse and search for great apps right from your web browser.
The website makes it easy to discover great new apps with a bigger, brighter interface. You can also send apps directly to your Android device with just a few clicks—no wires needed. We’ve built in new social features, too. You can share apps with your friends through Twitter. And you can read and post app reviews directly to Android Market from the web or from your device.
The website makes it easy to discover great new apps with a bigger, brighter interface. You can also send apps directly to your Android device with just a few clicks—no wires needed. We’ve built in new social features, too. You can share apps with your friends through Twitter. And you can read and post app reviews directly to Android Market from the web or from your device.
Jan 11, 2011
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