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May 24, 2012

Bump Photos to your Computer!

One of the reasons people love Bump is that it's the fastest and simplest way to share photos with friends and family.  Bumping photos has been the most popular way to use Bump -- tens of millions of people have already bumped more than 600 million photos in the last two years.
When we talk to people who use Bump, they often tell us how they love that Bump just makes sense to them.  If they want to share a photo with a friend or family member, they don't have to understand complicated technology -- they can just bump their phones together.  But one of their biggest complaints is that it is hard to get photos off their phone and onto their computer.  Syncing is complicated and often requires a cable you just can't find, and people are fed up with emailing their own photos to themselves.  Users would often jokingly tell us, "Bump is great; if only my computer could Bump too!"
So we built it.
Starting today, everyone who uses Bump can go to on their computer web browser to bump photos from their phone directly to their computer.  There's no software to install -- it all runs in your browser.  You simply select the photos in the Bump app on your phone and then gently bump the spacebar on your keyboard... and voila!  Your photos will instantly appear on your computer.  It's how technology should work.
From there, you can save them to your hard drive or get a short link to share with friends on Facebook, Twitter, email, or IM (we host the photos for free, no limits).  Bump works with modern versions of most of the popular web browsers, including Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.
Watch the quick demo video, or better yet, go try it yourself at  
We hope you enjoy it!
-dave and the Bump Team

May 14, 2012

C#: How to Search Text in ListBox Items from TextBox

//Write in Event TextBox1_TextChanged

private void TextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  ListBox1.Sorted = true;

  foreach (string element_in_listbox in ListBox1.Items){
     if (TextBox1.TextLength <= element_in_listbox.Length) { 
       if ( TextBox1.Text== element_in_listbox.Substring(0, TextBox1.TextLength)){

  //select first index
   if (ListBox2.Items.Count != 0) ListBox2.SelectedIndex = 0;