Take a look at these sample questions before attempting the test as they will give you a very good idea of what to expect. Each question is designed to test various aspects of your mental abilities. Explanations are included where appropriate.
7.Pattern recognition
Verbal Intelligence
It is said that to have a mastery of words is to have in one’s possession the ability to produce order out of chaos and that command of vocabulary is a true measure of intelligence. Verbal intelligence measures your capacity to use language in order to express yourself, comprehend stories and understand other people. Verbal abilities include reading, writing and communicating with words. The verbal component of this test examines your vocabulary and your capacity to learn verbal material. It also measures your ability to employ verbal skills in reasoning and problem solving.
1. Rearrange the following letters to make a word and choose the category in which it fits.
A. city
B. fruit
C. bird
D. vegetable
Correct answer: bird (parakeet)
2. Find the answer that best completes the analogy
people : democracy :: wealthy :
A. oligarchy
B. oligopoly
C. plutocracy
D. timocracy
E. autocracy
Correct answer: plutocracy
3. Find the answer that best completes the analogy
languages : meaning :: philology :
A. erudition
B. philosophy
C. ethics
D. semantics
E. grammar
Correct answer: semantics
4. Which one of the sets of letters below can be arranged into a five letter English word.
A. A T R U N
B. P O D E B
C. R N A S L
D. M O H A T
E. E T L R N
Correct answer: R N A S L (snarl)
5. What is the missing letter?
Correct answer: H
Explanation: Convert each letter to its numerical equivalent in the alphabet e.g. the letter “C” is assigned the number “3″. Afterwards, for each row, multiply the numerical equivalents of the first two columns in order to calculate the letter in the third column.
6. Find two words, one from each group, that are closest in meaning.
Group A
stairs | Group B
basement |
A. raise and elevate
B. raise and top
C. floor and basement
D. stairs and top
E. floor and elevate
Correct answer: raise and elevate
Mathematical Intelligence
We all require some numerical skills in our lives, whether it is to calculate our weekly shopping bill or to budget how to use our monthly income. Flexibility of thought and lateral thinking processes are a few skills which are needed in order to solve these problems. Mathematical intelligence generally represents your ability to reason and to calculate basic arithmetic computations. It also helps you to understand geometric shapes and manipulate equations. Mathematical intelligence is a strong indicator of general intelligence because many every day mental tasks require arithmetical operations even though numbers may not be involved.
1. Which number should come next in this series?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 10
D. 14
Correct answer: C
Explanation: The pattern decreases progressively: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5
2. Which number should come next in this series?
A. 4
B. 21
C. 31
D. 34
Correct answer: D
Explanation: 3+5=8, 5+8=13 and so on.
3. Which number should replace the question mark?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Correct answer: A
(For each row the sum of the first two columns is equal to the multiple of the last two columns)
4. Which number should replace the question mark?
A. 3
B. -2
C. -6
D. 48
Correct answer: C
(For each row subtract the second column from the first column. The result is equal to the sum of the digits in the last column.)
Spatial abilities are the perceptual and cognitive abilities that enable a person to deal with spatial relations, in other words the visualization and orientation of objects in space. Put simply spatial skills assess your ability to manipulate 3D objects by flipping and rotating them. Spatial intelligence questions test raw intelligence without the influence of prior knowledge and as such performance on this scale is indicative of general intelligence. At a first glance, such questions may appear daunting but the trick is not to give up too quickly. Often a second look at the problem will reveal a different approach, and a solution will appear because the brain has been given the opportunity to process information further.
1. Which diagram results from folding the diagram on the left?
Correct answer: A
2. Which of the cubes is the same as the unfolded cube below?
Correct answer: A
3. Which one of the Rubik’s cube below can be part of the sequence?
Correct answer: C
Visual intelligence measures the ability to process visual material and to employ both physical and mental images in thinking. As a result people with a high visualization IQ find it easier to comprehend information and communicate it to others. Your visualization skills determine how well you perceive visual patterns and extract information for further use. Visualization also facilitates the ability to form associations between pieces of information something which helps improve long term memory.
1. Pick the piece that’s missing from the diagram below
Correct answer: A
2. Which figure is the odd one out?
Correct answer: D
3. Which of the following figures is the odd one out?
Correct answer: A
4.Which of the following figures is the odd one out?
Correct answer: C
5. How many four sided shapes does this diagram have?
A. 5-10
B. 11-15
C. 16-20
D. 21-25
E. 26-30
Correct answer: E
This intelligence is closely related to the concept of general intelligence and measures the ability to organize collections of items by finding similarities and differences between them. By grouping together items such as words, ideas, songs or pictures you are able to achieve a more conceptual understanding of the relationships between them. Classification skills enable you to discern relevant data and this helps you gain a better general understanding of the world.
1. Which word does not belong?
apple, marmalade, orange, cherry, grape
A. apple
B. marmalade
C. orange
D. cherry
E. grape
Correct answer: B
2. Which number does not belong?
4 | 32 | 144 |
17 | 28 | 122 |
18 | 64 | 188 |
322 | 14 | 202 |
Correct answer: 17
Explanation: 17 is the only odd number.
3. Which of the following diagrams is the odd one out?
Correct answer: D
Explanation: D is the only diagram where the intersection does not form the original shape.
Logical thinking is the ability to make deductions that lead rationally to a certain conclusion. It is important to have good logic skills because they help you think things through and they also give you a good understanding of cause and effect relationships. In this test your logic IQ was assessed through your ability to comprehend and follow certain rules and conditions set forth in many of the questions. Generally speaking logic skills make divergent thinkers and have proven to be very successful in our daily lives. Furthermore when combined with social insight and and self awareness logic skills make us into effective human beings. Improving these skills will increase your IQ and give you a good base for academic and personal success.
1. At the end of a banquet 10 people shake hands with each other. How many handshakes will there be in total?
A. 100
B. 20
C. 45
D. 50
E. 90Correct answer: C
2. The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday. What day is it today?
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday
E. Friday
Correct answer: E
3. Select the number that best completes the analogy
10 : 6 :: 3 : ?
A. 2
B. 1
C. -1
D. 12
E. 4
Correct answer: -1
4. Which number should come next in the series
1, 3, 6, 10, 15,
A. 8
B. 11
C. 24
D. 21
E. 27
Correct answer: 21
5. 165135 is to peace as 1215225 is to
A. lead
B. love
C. loop
D. castle
Correct answer: love
6. Library is to book as book is to
Binding Copy Page Cover
A. page
B. copy
C. binding
D. cover
Correct answer: page
Pattern recognition
Out of all mental abilities this type of intelligence is said to have the highest correlation with the general intelligence factor, g. This is primarily because pattern recognition is the ability to see order in a chaotic environment; the primary condition for life. Patterns can be found in ideas, words, symbols and images and pattern recognition is a key determinant of your potential in logical, verbal, numerical and spatial abilities. It is essential for reasoning because your capacity to think logically is based on your perception of the logic around you. Your pattern recognition skills are expressed verbally through your long term exposure to language and your mathematical and spatial abilities are based on your perception of numerical data and 3D objects.
1. Find the picture that follows logically from the diagrams to the right. 
Correct answer: A
2. Find the picture that follows logically from the diagrams to the right.
Correct answer: C
3. Please enter the missing figure: 4, 5, 8, 17, 44,
A. 80
B. 125
C. 112
D. 60
E. 84
Correct answer: B
Explanation: The difference between the numbers follows the series 1,3,9,27,81
4. Please enter the missing figure: 13, 57, 911, 1315, 1719
A. 2123
B. 1879
C. 3002
D. 5004
E. 1784
Correct answer: A
Explanation: All odd numbers in a series.
5. Which of the diagrams follows?
Correct answer: A
Explanation: All the characters are letters back to back (C,D,E,F)
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