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Oct 28, 2011

Tributes To Steve Jobs, Record Tweets & Cool Cartoons

The world remembers and mourns Steve Jobs, in a huge waves, and it would probably hit some smashing records with leaders around the world expressed their condolences and gratitude over Facebook, Twitter and media. It was simply mind-boggling judging by the massive outpouring of tributes. Traffic was so jam that Twitter dispatched its famous “fail whale”. Social media sites were crazily filled with Steve Jobs, Think Different, Stay Hungry, Legacy and whatnot.
Steve Jobs Cartoon Tributes Good ByeSteve Jobs Cartoon Tributes Good ByeSteve Jobs Cartoon Tributes Good ByeSteve Jobs Cartoon Tributes Good Bye

Oct 14, 2011

The Life and Times of Steve Jobs [INFOGRAPHIC]

Steve Jobs packed a lot of living into his 56 years. If his career had ended 30 years ago, he still would have made history for helping popularize the personal computer. But he did so much more than that.
As we all know, Jobs defied F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous quote, “There are no second acts in American lives.” Jobs’s final years at Apple were as notable as his early ones. Even his 11-year hiatus from the company should provide inspiration for businesspeople who think their careers are over.
The below infographic, from Infographic World, lays out Jobs’s life and accomplishments.

From Brick to Slick: 38 Years of Cellphone Evolution [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ah, the good old days, when cellphones were the size of bricks. Some were so big you had to carry a separate bag containing their electronic innards, and if you weren’t careful, you might end up with a dislocated shoulder by the end of the day.
They generally weren’t called cellphones at all — most of us codgers called them “car phones” back then, because that was the size of conveyance you needed to lug around all of their electronic parts.
Fast forward to today, where cellphones have gotten plenty smart. One factor caught our eyes: Notice how different all the phones start looking around 2007. Wonder what happened then (cough! iPhone cough!)?
This infographic from Wilson Electronics (maker of cellular signal boosters for buildings and cars, so they know about these things) takes you from Dr. Martin Cooper’s laughable handset (that looked more like a cream-colored shoe than a phone) up to today’s darling of the moment, the Apple iPhone 4S.
Tell us in the comments how many of these cellphones you’ve used, which one was your favorite, and how you would compare your previous model to today’s latest
Infographic courtesy Wilson Electronics